Yeah, I know it's not Thursday, but I got a little behind in my viewing this week. Here's the basic premise, after I watch Lost on Thursdays (I watch in online) I'll post what I thought about the episode. Please make sure that you comment, so that I know what you think. Here goes:
He's Our YouLast week, when I saw that the title of this episode was going to be "He's Our You". I thought it was going to refer to the Sawyer-Jack switch. Sawyer is in charge taking care of everyone and Jack's life off the island seemed pretty carefree. So I was surprised when this was a
Sayid focus episode. No problem, I like
Somehow though, I thought this episode was a little boring. I usually like getting the
backstory, but it didn't work for me this time. I felt like it stalled the momentum of the storyline they had going. The only question that I thought was answered for me was "How did
Sayid go from being Ben's hired assassin to building houses in the Dominican Republic?"
Toward the end, when we were back in the present (well, really the past I guess, but you understand) I enjoyed the episode more. Things seem to be falling apart for Sawyer and his crew.
Sayid isn't willing to play along with this charade.
The ending was a shocker. I can't believe that
Sayid killed Ben!! This creates a paradox however. Think about it.
Sayid killed Ben as a kid. So Ben wouldn't be around to gather the Oceanic 6 to return to the island, so
Sayid would never have returned to the island. This is assuming, of course, that Ben really was behind the mercenary who brought
Sayid in. I realize there are a lot of other things that couldn't have happened without Ben, but this seemed the easiest example.
So, what did you think of this episode?