Friday, August 21, 2009

Democrat Power!!

The US Senate currently has 60 Democratic Senators. There are 100 Senators total. This gives the Democrats the majority.
In order to pass legislation through the Senate, 51 Senators have to approve it. This is the rule as stated in the Constitution. However, ever since the last election Republicans in the Senate have been using their power of filibuster . This means that instead of the traditional 51 votes, a bill must receive 60 votes to be passed.

Hmmm...60. Why does that sound familiar? Oh, yeah! There are 60 Democratic Senators in the Senate! Well, as long as the Democrats stick together, legislation could very easily still get passed.

The new development now, however, is Republic Senators saying that "we" should be aiming for 80 votes to pass Health Care Reform Legislation. Wait a minute, 80? So first the Republicans raised the number of votes from 51 to 60 and now they want to hike it up to 80? Can there be any clearer sign the Republicans have NO desire to pass Health Care Reform?

Democratic Senators hear this:
Stop trying to make this bi-partisan!! The American people voted for a Democratic Majority is both Houses and a Democratic President for a reason!! Use your power and don't apologize for it. Do what you were elected to do.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Spider-Woman: Agent of SWORD Motion Comic

Marvel Comics released their first motion comic this past Wednesday. The star is Spider-Woman. This may not be a character that a lot of people outside of comics know, but I think that she was a good choice.

I think that this format will draw in non-comic book readers. Hey, my boyfriend, Jason watched it and liked it. And he doesn't like comics at all.

The Spider-Woman motion comics is available from i-Tunes for 99 cents, so go get it!

Check out the preview here!

New Jay-Z

So this is out of my usual foray, but I still wanted to talk about it.

Jay-Z's first single for his new record was titled "D.O.A (Death of Auto-Tune) which included the following lyrics:
"Your colors too bright, your voice too light"

D.O.A (Death of Auto-Tune) Video

Now, I'm not a huge rap fan, but I respect Jay-Z. He raps some of my favorite rap songs. I agree with him about this auto-tune phase. I can't even bear to listen to half the stuff that gets played on the radio. Now let's play a guessing game:
Who recently made an album done entirely using auto-tune?
Which rapper is known for his bold fashion statements, usually involving bright colors?
Which rapper has a fairly light voice when compared to someone like Jay-Z?

The answer to all three is...Kanye West!!

Now I don't know if Kanye made any type of response to Jay-Z's song. I'll have to look into that.

I'm bringing this all up because I just watched the video for Jay-z next single titled "Run this Town." This song features Rihanna and...wait for it...
Kanye West!!!

Run This Town Video

Doesn't this seem a little weird?!
It could all boil down to the fact that Kanye sells records and Jay-Z wants to sell records.
What do you think?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Good Girl Art vs. Bad Girl Art

As I was attempting to explain these two concepts to a friend of mine, I found that I might not understand them as much as I had thought. So I started investigating these topics. Here's what I found:

Good Girl Art "is found in drawings or paintings which feature a strong emphasis on attractive women no matter what the subject or situation. GGA was most commonly featured in comic books, pulp magazines and crime fiction." ( It is called "Good Girl Art" not because the girls/women in the pictures are good, but because the artist draws beautiful or sexy women "good". The women in the pictures may by villains or heroes.

Here are some artist that I consider "Good Girl Artists."

However, Bad Girl Art is different. The "Bad" does refer to the character of the woman depicted. So Bad Girl Art is pictures of "bad girls", but Good Girl Art may depict good or bad girls. So, I guess in a sense that BGA is a sub-genre of GGA.

I've always been draw to the GGA artists, which is strange, because I could care less about how sexy a woman is. People who have seen my own attempts to draw comic book characters would probably say that I am a GG artist. I don't think I'm a BG artist though. Maybe I'll post some of my own art and let you guys decide. But before that let's look at some artists that I consider GGA. I'll add another post later showing some BG characters.div>

Good Girl Artists

Jim Lee

Terry Dodson
Adam Hughes

Matt Baker

Monday, July 6, 2009

Character Spotlight: Tigra

I was introduced to Tigra in West Coast Avengers during the '80s. (Yes, it was WCA before it became AWC) I fell in love with her immediately. She was unabashedly sexy, confident, and kicked ass. I think that as a young gay boy, I was drawn to these traits. Or maybe is just wanted to wear her black bikini. But really, I think it was the fact that Greer (Tigra) could turn back to her normal human state and blend in if she wanted to, but she very rarely did. She preferred to stand out and revelled in her differences. Looking back on that now, I think that Tigra made a big impression on me. It was ok to be different, if fact it was purr-ferred.

Somewhere along the line, she got mired in yet another storyline involving her "cat" side taking over. Check out her Wikipedia entry if you don't believe me. I loved everything that John Byrne did with WCA, except his treatment of Tigra. Her appearance grew more and more cat-like, as did her behavior. She was slowly becoming a pale imitation of Wolverine or Wolfsbane.
Hank Pym shrinks her to the size of a house cat and then lets her run around the compound killing small animals to eat! Not attractive, honey. The final insult was when Hank finally catches her, he places her inside his lab and then leaves! To deal with "more pressing Avengers' business"!

I was sad when she finally left to hang out with the Aborigines in Australia, but at least then she was left alone.

Her appearances since then have been sporadic. She had a lackluster mini-series by Christina Z and Mike Deodato. Tigra was also a part of the Avengers: Initiative, now the Avengers Resistance. Recently, I have noticed that Tigra has been receiving some attention in the Marvel Adventures imprint. She's been on covers for both Marvel Adventures Super-Heroes and M.A. Avengers. She most recently became a member of the M.A. Avengers. I'm glad that she is not stuck in limbo, but I still wish she had more of an presence.

Upcoming Books: The Torch #1 (of 8)

This upcoming book, The Torch, by Mike Carey & Alex Ross is piquing my interest. I've been interested in the original Human Torch, Jim Hammond, ever since Scarlet Witch revived him back in Avengers West Coast #50 from 1989. The Scarlet Witch had recently gone crazy for the first time! or was that the second? (I'll have to re-read my AWC.) Anyway, she wanted to prove that the Vision, recently disassembled & reassembled sans emotions, was really who he said he was. And not constructed out of the Human Torch's spare parts. All of this ends with Jim Hammond joining the AWC for a while. For a more detailed description, click here.

For this new mini-series, the Torch is buried (again) and the Mad Thinker is involved (again). Mike Carey (X-Men Legacy) is writing with assists from Alex Ross. Patrick Berkenkotter (?) is doing interiors with Alex Ross on covers. And I have to say, I think the cover for #1 (picture left) is stunning. Everytime that I think I'm over Ross' art, he comes out with something else.

So what do you think, retread of old material? A comeback for the first Marvel super-hero? Another example of Alex Ross living in the past? Let me know what you think and I'll let you know what I decide.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cry for Justice

Justice League: Cry for Justice
by: James Robinson & Mauro Cascioli

I debated picking up this book. I knew that I would probably pick it up in trade if not in issues, but I gave in and decided to give it a try.
I'm so glad that I did. Robinson so deftly crafted this story that I could feel the tension at the JLA Satellite. He was able to create a feeling that something big was happening, but without resorting to a big brawl between heroes. (Which I think we've seen too much of lately.) Robinson focused on the friendship between Hal and Ollie which is legendary, but new to me.
This issue then moves on into introducing and setting up the rest of the team. These little vignettes were the perfect introduction to these characters who might not be known to all.

In addition to the story, the art was amazing. It has a painted look, but I don't think that it is. Also the additional material in the back was great.

Overall, this was a solid beginning to a mini with a lot of promise.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Challenge of the Super-Friends

I was feeling nostalgic, so I put "Challenge of the Super-Friends" on my Netflix queue. This was the late 70s series that re-ran in the 80s featuring the JLA versus "The Legion of Doom". I loved it! It was corny fun. Here are some highlights:

1. Batman & Robin are trying to leap away from Solomon Grundy. Grundy grabs them both by the ankles and Robin say something like "We're goners for sure, Batman!" Batman's reply?
"Not so fast, Robin! Use your Bat-lube!" They both then push a button on their utility belts and an oil-like substance somes out causing Grundy to lose his grip.

2. Luthor creates a device that immobilizes the Super-Friends in a cage rocketing toward the sun. Wonder Woman finally saves them by using her "telepathic control" (aka telepathy) of her "magic lasso" to change the trajectory of the rocket boosters!

3. Aquaman is chasing after Black Manta in the ocean. His mode of transportation? His "Aqua-scooter"! Why would he swim?! That's just one of his major powers!?!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Dropping A Book

We've all done it. It's hard. It's like breaking up with someone. You make try to wait out the rough patch, but finally you just have to say " You don't excite me anymore."
I have come to this point with 2 of my books:

1. Flash: Rebirth It's not you, it's me. I guess I just don't care about Barry Allen's return. Everyone kept telling me that I should, but I just don't. I held on, hoping, that it would be like Green Lantern: Rebirth, which I loved, but it's not. So I'm done. Van Sciver's art was gorgeous though.

2. X-Factor It just doesn't feel the same anymore. This book hit a rough patch with the Secret Invasion tie-in/She-Hulk crossover. (Stroman's artwork didn't help!) I tried to love this book like before, but... The recent storyline is better, but I just don't care anymore. I might check this book back out in a couple of months, but I need a break.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Confession

In on e of my first posts on this blog I discussed (ok maybe ranted) about the killing off of Carol Danvers as Ms. Marvel. Why Kill Carol? Ms. Marvel is Dead...and I Think I Know Why. I ended this post by saying that I was done with the Ms. Marvel title and was...for a little bit.

While doing so internet research, I stumbled upon the two images to the right. These are covers for upcoming an upcoming "Ms. Marvel" storline titled, "War of the Marvels." Once I saw these, I knew that I had a decision. I could continue not getting MsM and just pick these up when they came or I could go pick up the back issues I missed by dropping the book. Being the completist that I am, I decided to pick up the back issues. This way I won't have a 4-5 issue gap in my otherwise complete Ms.M run. (Which of course will be a very sought after commodity, because she's such a hot characters, I know.)
Well, I just felt that I needed to come clean about reading Ms. Marvel again. So there you have...I'm a Ms. Marvel addict.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Handpicked Artist: Alan Davis

I'm still reading through my entire Uncanny X-Men run and I've finally come to some Alan Davis drawn issues. This has made me realize that I LOVE HIS ART!! It has a smoothness to it that most artist don't have. His women & men are gorgeous without being sleazy. His people have different body shapes and I love his aliens. He's a true classic comic book artist.
Check out some of his work below:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sad News... : ( Captain Britain & MI 13 Canceled

I just found out today that one of my favorite comics is getting canceled as of issue 15. This book by Paul Cornell was always a quality read. He found a take the tarnish off characters that had been misused for years and he created new characters that jumped off the page. I will continue to read this book until it's done. There just aren't enough quality comic books out there. It is a sad day, my friends.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Check This Out update

I tried to pick up the "I Kill Giants" trade, but it was sold out in both of locations of my comic book store. That makes me want to read it even more!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Check This Out

Life isn't easy in fifth grade—especially when you spend your time killing giants.I Kill Giants follows Barbara, a fifth grader lost in her own private little fantasy world filled with fairies and pixies and, of course, giants killing. Written by Joe Kelly and illustrated by JM Ken Niimura, the seven-part miniseries introduced Barbara, her dysfunctional family life and her rather skewed view of reality. -Kevin Mahedeo

So in my continued quest to check out different things within the genre of "comic books", I'm going to pick up the trade above. As I with Sherlock Holmes, this isn't my usual fare. I have heard great buzz about it and I'm intrigued. If you're not into super-heroes, but want to try comics...this might be a good trade paperback to try. I'll let you all know what I think about it after I finish it!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

#1s You Should Be Checking Out

Recently I've noticed an influx of new series into the market. Below are my thoughts on 3 of them.

1. New Mutants #1 (Vol. 3?) - I was so friggin' excited when I heard that Marvel was putting out a new title called "New Mutants" that was actually going to showcase the original New Mutants! I was not disappointed after I read this. This book contained the perfect amount of references to the original series/plots, references to the current X-Men series, and teasers of new plotlines. The art was decent. I'm willing to give Diogenes Neves time to grow and mature as an artist on this series. If you didn't pick this up, go get one of the 3 covers available. Marvel Comics

2. Power Girl #1 - I love PeeGee. I flirted with her in Justice League Europe/International, but it wasn't until she joined the JSA that I committed to loving her totally. And since I'm gay, it has nothing to do with her boobies...well, maybe. Anyway, I've been waiting for a Power Girl's much deserved solo ongoing series for years. This number #1 was ok. I'm going to give it a couple of issues to decide. I lover Amanda Conner's artwork and I like Gray & Palmiotti's work on PeeGee's mini. My hopes are high, but this issue was not as good as I had hoped it would be. Also I struggled on which cover to get. Amanda Conner & Adam Hughes are both amazing artists. Look at the pics below and feel my pain. P. S. I finally picked the Adam Hughes (the first) cover. DC Comics

3. Sherlock Holmes #1 - This is not my usual type of book. And that's why I chose it. Every once in a while, I feel that need for some fresh air in my comics. This usually leads me to check out a publisher, character, or genre I don't usually read. This time it lead me to Dynamite Entertainment's Sherlock Holmes. The Cassaday cover is gorgeous. (see below) I was not disappointed by what was inside either. The beginnings of a mystery that I'm excited to see solved. So far I really like the character of Watson. He almost seems the main character moreso that Holmes. Either way, it works. FYI Dynamite Entertainment is also putting out "The Complete Dracula" later this year. I'm going to be checking that out too. I recommend this book, especially for people who aren't into super-heroes. Dynamite Entertainment

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I've been asked about my opinion of the Wolverine by several of my friends, so here goes.

1. It was good. I just want to get that out there. No matter what I say in the rest of this post, I started with "It was good." Very eloquent if I do say so myself!

2. As far as my knowledge of Wolverine's history & "origin" go, the movie stayed pretty true to what has been written in comics. Except, is Sabretooth Wolverine's brother in comics? I know that they've teased a lot of different things, but I don't read Wolverine's solo book. That may have been revealed somewhere over the years and I missed it. I don't know.

3. Wolverine was happy with Silverfox for waaaaaaaaaay too long. Maybe it was the fact that I knew she was going to "die" that made that part of the movie drag for me.

4. Special They were ok. I just didn't have a moment watching this movie that I went "That was cool!" Wanted had better effects.

5. Deadpool. I just...did he?...I don't...ugh. Deadpool's mouth was stitched shut. The MERC WITH A MOUTH's mouth was stitched shut and he had OPTIC BLASTS!!! 'nuff said.

Please don't forget that I said the movie was good. I actually wouldn't mind seeing it again, just to see some things I missed.
My friends seem surprised that I'm not more pumped about the movie. I guess it has something to do with the fact that Wolverine is not one of my favorite super-heroes. He's ok.


Sorry I have been so remiss in writing new posts. I'm currently in the process of writing more posts now! Be patient...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

This is the cover to Marvels: Eye of the Camera #5. I'm not even reading this book, but I LOVE this cover. I'll have to check out the trade to see if these X-Men appear in it.
This image captures the X-Men as they were when I first started reading comics. These are "My X-Men". I know that it's not a very classic line-up, but it's still my favorite. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Handpicked Comics for 4/15/09

I've decided to try something different this week. Instead of picking one book and talking about it, I'm going to rank the books that I purchased and give you my thoughts about each one.

#1 X-Factor #42 This was my favorite book this week. First off, I liked the art in this issue. Now, I would rather this book get Yardin or Sook back, but if that's not possible DiLandro will be a decent substitute. I did notice that there were 2 artists on this issue, the other one being Santucci. I looked through the issue, but I couldn't distinguish the pages done by a different artist. (I'm usually pretty good at that!)

As far as storyline, I'm loving Madrox, Layla, and Ruby in the future. I can't wait to see what happens there. Longshot's subplot moved along some and my favorite part of those sequences was the way that Peter David and the artists portrayed Longshot's power. I hope that he delves into Longshot's powers and how they work. That would be interesting.
Overall, this is the beginning of a future timeline storyline and I love those. I'm in!

#2 Uncanny X-Men #508 Despite what most people have to say about this book, I'm really enjoying it. I think that Fraction has a good handle on most of the characters. I also applaud him for using a wide-range of characters from Domino to Nightcrawler. They might not all technically be X-Men, but it makes sense that they would be in the periphery.
So, the Sisterhood...Spiral, Chimera, Deathstrike, Madelyne, & 2 Lady Masterminds. I like it. I'm going to be doing a little research into some of the members of this group, because I'm not familiar with all of them. If I come up with something interesting, I'll post it.

#3 Tiny Titans #15 This was one of the few issues of Tiny Titans that devote almost the entire issue to one storyline. I liked it. Usually, this book does several shorter (about 2-3 pages) storylines. This book is still my pick for a great comic starter book for kids.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lost Thursdays

Some Like It Hoth Miles. Yeah, you know Miles. He's that guy that just showed up last season who can "talk" to dead people. This episode gave us his backstory. What is that? You weren't chomping at the bit to find everything about him? You didn't want another character study, but you actually wanted to move the story forward.
Sorry, then this episode was not for you. I totally missed the connection between Miles and his dad. I watched this with my friend, Rachel, and she was able to predict this connect. (Of course!)
The highlight of this episode was the reveal of what Hurley was writing. Hilarious! Overall, I was underwhelmed. I'm looking forward to the upcoming 100th epidsode.
So, do you agree with me or not? Let me know.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Hello my throngs of fans! I just wanted to give you a heads up about the schedule for "Handpicked" this week. I won't post my "Handpicked Comic" for the week until Friday instead of the usual Wednesday. I'm traveling and won't get me books until then.
The good news is that I will be able to post "Lost Thursdays" as usual. I'm staying at a friends house that actually has cable, so I don't need to wait until it gets put online on Thursday. If you're lucky, you might even see a "Lost Thurdays" post on Wednesday. Let's just chalk it up to time travel, shall we?
Hey don't forget to vote on the poll!

My Comics Picks for 4/15/09

X-Men Legacy #223 - I don't know about this book. About every 2-3 months I think about dropping it. I'm just not sure if I know what purpose it is surving right now. I'm holding on now because this issues is part 4 of 5 of the current storyline, which has been solicited as the end of Xavier's part of Legacy. Now, I don't know who the comic will be about after Xavier's part is done. Maybe Rogue and Gambit? If that's all it is, I might be gone. Anyway, I'm reading it for now. Let's see if this book can draw me in.
Marvel Comics
By Mike Carey & Scot Eaton

X-Factor #42 - This book is good again. Peter David meandered a bit with this book a couple month ago, but now he's back on track. I'm glad that I didn't abandon this book. (Mmmm...maybe I should stick with X-Men Legacy). This issue we should get more Ruby Summers. Yay!
Marvel Comics
By Peter David & Valentine De Landro

Uncanny X-Men #508- The very controversial Greg Land returns to art duties with this issue. That doesn't matter to me, because I'm going to read it no matter who draws it. I'm very interested to see who is in the Sisterhood of Evil Mutants. I hope there are some members that I know and new members. I think that I see Lady Deathstrike on the cover, but I don't think that I know the rest. I'm also really interested by the new "Proposition X" storyline. Hopefully, this will turn out better than Prop. 8 did.
Marvel Comics
By Matt Fraction & Greg Land

Tiny Titans #15 - This will be a nice breath of fresh air in a very X heavy week. Seriously this comic makes me laugh. Remember when comics did that! Pick it up.
DC Comics
By Art Baltazar & Franco

Justice Society of America Vol. 4 Thy Kingdom Come Part 3 - I'm so glad that this is finally coming out. I don't know why it takes so long for DC to put out their hardcovers and trade paperbacks. I had originally intended to read this series in trade, but was so impatient that I ended up buying the hardcovers! (Wait, a minute...maybe that's why DC takes so long. Curses!) I love Power Girl, so I'm very excited to see how things turn out for her in the Earth-2 world she landed on. I can't wait to get my JSA fix...
DC Comics
By Geoff Johns, Alex Ross, Peter Tomasi, Dale Eaglesham, Fernando Pasarin and Nathan Massengill

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lost Thurdays

Dead is Dead

Ahh...the monster. I love the monster. I'll admit that the monster was cooler and scarier when it was first introduced, but I still love it. I don't even think that I want an explanation for it. It just is.

Ben wants judged by the monster. C'mon, how many of you believed that when he said that. Iknow I didn't. I figured he was up to something else and I greatly enjoyed Locke goading him into actually doing it. However, it seems that Ben actually did want to be judged by the monster. Hmmm...

The actual sequence during which Ben was judged was kind of cheesy. That's the sort of thing that you can pull of in a comic book, but doesn't translate so well to TV. I think that following Locke is Ben's punishment and it is a just one.

During the flashbacks, we got some gaps filled in. Danielle loses her baby to Ben. This is not a scene that I needed to see play out. I inferred what had happened already. I did get very tense when Ben went to kill Penelope.
I don't know what it is, but I love Desmond & Penelope. They got their happy ending and they deserve it after all they went through. I just want the island and everyone else to leave them alone. I'm glad that Desmond and Penelope made it out unscathed, but it makes me nervous that there's still another season after this one. You know something has got to happen to them.

Great episode. I just wish I knew what was going on with the new castaways. I think that I've at capacity with this show for the number of characters that I can care about and keep straight though. And what about the other people who were left behind. Bernard and...Rose? Am I right about that? Do you think we'll ever see any of them again?

Handpicked Comic for 4/8/09

Captain Britain and MI13 by Paul Cornell & Leonard Kirk

If you've been following my blog, you know that this week was a very light week for me. (I know of course the number of people following my blog right now numbers in the thousands, yeah right.) I originally only pulled two books, but alluded to the fact that I would probably try some other books and pick up some trades. I did in fact do this.

By the time I got home, I had purchased Exiles #1, War of Kings:Ascension #1, New Mutants Classic Vol. 4, and X-Men:First Class The Wonder Years in addition to my regular books, Secret Six and Capt. Brit & MI 13. I am very happy with all of my purchases. This made it very hard to narrow my tiny pile down to my Handpicked Comic (patent pending, patent pending, patent pending) of the week.

Finally, I chose Captain Britain and MI 13 #12. Ever since I jumped on this book, even paying extra for back issues, I have loved it. Initially drawing me in with X-related Capt. Britain & Pete Wisdom and then piquing my curiousity to learn about Spitfire, Blade, & Excalibur. And I've realized that's why I love this book.

It revolves around a lot of characters that I know very little or nothing AT ALL about!!

Now having read comics for...20 years?? maybe more, this doesn't happen. I usually have the opposite problem of getting pissed off when a current storyline contradicts something that happened 2 or 3 years ago.

This book usually leaves me feeling that I don't quite get everything that is going on and I love it. I'm surprised by plot turns and am intrigued by what will happen next. My current favorite characters are Spitfire and Blade. Blade?! you say? I know, but he's actually interesting when written by Cornell. Did you know Blade is British? Me either!! Eat you heart out Wesley Snipes!! And Spitfire? Who? I know! I've seen her briefly in Captain America, but I didn't know she was a vampire. That's cool.

I know that I kind of got off point by not reviewing this issue specifically, but the entire run of this book is great and you should be reading it.
Quick summary of current storyline: Dracula is invading Great Britain which he intends to run as a country of vampires! Love it.

Captain Britain and MI13 is your Handpicked Comic for April 8th!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Comic Picks for 4/8/09

Secret Six #8 - Confession time. When I started reading this, I thought it was a six issue limited series. I hadn't intended to start reading a new ongoing. This comic, however, has worked its way into my heart. This group of tough, dirty villains is extremely entertaining. I've grown to care about each of these characters. I love that Gail goes there with Ragdoll, who is my personal favorite. This issue is supposed to detail what Ragdoll dreams about. It's going to be gross!!
DC Comics
Gail Simone & Carlos Rodriguez (No, Nicola this issue? Aargh!!)

Captain Britain & MI 13 #12 - This is another comic that I tried very hard not to buy. My plan was to buy this in trade, iFanboy wouldn't stop. Ron, Conor, & Josh were constantly talking about it, so my curiosity won over. (If you're not listening to iFanboy's podcasts, you should be. Again, just like Secret Six, I'm glad I did. I'm curious to see what Dracula will do next. C'mon, it's Dracula!!
Marvel Comics
Paul Cornell & Leonard Kirk

2 comics!! That's it! This is what happens when you try to switch over to reading the trades instead. I would love to pick up Green Lantern, but gotta wait for trade. Also, I'm waiting until trade for the whole Superman: World of Krypton thing. This light week will probably mean that I'll check out War of Kings Ascension #1. I was going to skip it, but I've been loving War of Kings. I'll probably also pick up a few trade that I've been wanting to catch up on like Spider-Man: Brand New Day or New Mutants Classic.

Well, check back here Wednesday to see what this week's Handpicked Comic will be!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wonder Woman 101

Here are the basic facts you need to be reading Wonder Woman right now. (And you SHOULD be reading WW right now!)
1. Wonder Woman has again taken on her secret identity of Diana Prince.

2. The Amazons had been scattered across the globe amnesiatic. This left Hippolyta, Diana's mother, alone of Themyscira (Paradise Island). The Amazons have since returned and it appears their memories are now intact.

3. Diana has been courting Tom Tresser aka Nemesis. So, Diana has a boyfriend who has been made an official Amazon by Hippolyta.

4. Wonder Woman as Diana Prince works for the Department of Metahuman Affairs. Nemesis, her partner, until recently didn't know Diana Prince was Wonder Woman. Etta Candy-Trevor also work at the DMA. Steven Trevor has recently become the head of this department.

5. Diana is currently battling a new villain called Genocide. The Secret Society created Genocide under the guidance of the Cheetah. We also find out that Dr. Psycho has switched bodies with Sarge Steel, Diana's boss at the DMA before Trevor.

6. The Greek Gods had disappeared. They have since returned. Zeus has decided that he will reward the Amazons' faith with death. (Gee, thanks a alot. Right?) So he has created a new race of all men called the Olympians. His champion, ala Wonder Woman, is a newly ressurected Achilles.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Issues That Made Me Drop X-Men #2

#349 "Blackbirds" by Steve Seagle & Chris Bachalo
After #349, I didn't try Uncanny X-Men until issue #353. I know, I couldn't stay away very long. But before I tear into 353 let's look at the issues between that I skipped:

#350 - Covered in "Issues That Made Me Drop X-Men #1"

#351 - Focus on Cecelia Reyes. 'nuff said

#352 - The cover of this issue boasted the following: "The most artists ever on a comic!" Can you believe this was the selling point of this issue? I couldn't and I didn't.

So, #353 focuses on Rogue's "personal crisis". I'm not trying to hate on Rogue, but after almost 10 years of reading about her problems with her powers, you get a little tired of it. The team this issue wasn't a bad line-up.

Storm, Wolverine (These two are always a great start, IMHO)
Rogue, Iceman, Iceman,
Jubilee, Cannonball (I really liked the idea of these two "graduating" to the X-Men)
Maggot, Joseph
We also still have Psylocke and Angel doing the sub-plot thing. Bishop is also kidnapped by Deathbird.
Overall, this issue wasn't that bad. A lot better than #349. But Sauron was going to be the villain next issue.

Rogue drama
+ Maggot, Joseph
+Sauron next issue
Uncanny X-Men dropped again