If you've been following my blog, you know that this week was a very light week for me. (I know of course the number of people following my blog right now numbers in the thousands, yeah right.) I originally only pulled two books, but alluded to the fact that I would probably try some other books and pick up some trades. I did in fact do this.
By the time I got home, I had purchased Exiles #1, War of Kings:Ascension #1, New Mutants Classic Vol. 4, and X-Men:First Class The Wonder Years in addition to my regular books, Secret Six and Capt. Brit & MI 13. I am very happy with all of my purchases. This made it very hard to narrow my tiny pile down to my Handpicked Comic (patent pending, patent pending, patent pending) of the week.
Finally, I chose Captain Britain and MI 13 #12. Ever since I jumped on this book, even paying extra for back issues, I have loved it. Initially drawing me in with X-related Capt. Britain & Pete Wisdom and then piquing my curiousity to learn about Spitfire, Blade, & Excalibur. And I've realized that's why I love this book.
It revolves around a lot of characters that I know very little or nothing AT ALL about!!
Now having read comics for...20 years?? maybe more, this doesn't happen. I usually have the opposite problem of getting pissed off when a current storyline contradicts something that happened 2 or 3 years ago.

This book usually leaves me feeling that I don't quite get everything that is going on and I love it. I'm surprised by plot turns and am intrigued by what will happen next. My current favorite characters are Spitfire and Blade. Blade?! you say? I know, but he's actually interesting when written by Cornell. Did you know Blade is British? Me either!! Eat you heart out Wesley Snipes!! And Spitfire? Who? I know! I've seen her briefly in Captain America, but I didn't know she was a vampire. That's cool.

I know that I kind of got off point by not reviewing this issue specifically, but the entire run of this book is great and you should be reading it.
Quick summary of current storyline: Dracula is invading Great Britain which he intends to run as a country of vampires! Love it.
Captain Britain and MI13 is your Handpicked Comic for April 8th!!
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