Friday, August 21, 2009
Democrat Power!!
In order to pass legislation through the Senate, 51 Senators have to approve it. This is the rule as stated in the Constitution. However, ever since the last election Republicans in the Senate have been using their power of filibuster . This means that instead of the traditional 51 votes, a bill must receive 60 votes to be passed.
Hmmm...60. Why does that sound familiar? Oh, yeah! There are 60 Democratic Senators in the Senate! Well, as long as the Democrats stick together, legislation could very easily still get passed.
The new development now, however, is Republic Senators saying that "we" should be aiming for 80 votes to pass Health Care Reform Legislation. Wait a minute, 80? So first the Republicans raised the number of votes from 51 to 60 and now they want to hike it up to 80? Can there be any clearer sign the Republicans have NO desire to pass Health Care Reform?
Democratic Senators hear this:
Stop trying to make this bi-partisan!! The American people voted for a Democratic Majority is both Houses and a Democratic President for a reason!! Use your power and don't apologize for it. Do what you were elected to do.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Spider-Woman: Agent of SWORD Motion Comic
I think that this format will draw in non-comic book readers. Hey, my boyfriend, Jason watched it and liked it. And he doesn't like comics at all.
The Spider-Woman motion comics is available from i-Tunes for 99 cents, so go get it!
Check out the preview here!
New Jay-Z
Jay-Z's first single for his new record was titled "D.O.A (Death of Auto-Tune) which included the following lyrics:
"Your colors too bright, your voice too light"
D.O.A (Death of Auto-Tune) Video
Now, I'm not a huge rap fan, but I respect Jay-Z. He raps some of my favorite rap songs. I agree with him about this auto-tune phase. I can't even bear to listen to half the stuff that gets played on the radio. Now let's play a guessing game:
Who recently made an album done entirely using auto-tune?
Which rapper is known for his bold fashion statements, usually involving bright colors?
Which rapper has a fairly light voice when compared to someone like Jay-Z?
The answer to all three is...Kanye West!!
Now I don't know if Kanye made any type of response to Jay-Z's song. I'll have to look into that.
I'm bringing this all up because I just watched the video for Jay-z next single titled "Run this Town." This song features Rihanna and...wait for it...
Kanye West!!!
Run This Town Video
Doesn't this seem a little weird?!
It could all boil down to the fact that Kanye sells records and Jay-Z wants to sell records.
What do you think?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Good Girl Art vs. Bad Girl Art
However, Bad Girl Art is different. The "Bad" does refer to the character of the woman depicted. So Bad Girl Art is pictures of "bad girls", but Good Girl Art may depict good or bad girls. So, I guess in a sense that BGA is a sub-genre of GGA.
I've always been draw to the GGA artists, which is strange, because I could care less about how sexy a woman is. People who have seen my own attempts to draw comic book characters would probably say that I am a GG artist. I don't think I'm a BG artist though. Maybe I'll post some of my own art and let you guys decide. But before that let's look at some artists that I consider GGA. I'll add another post later showing some BG characters.div>
Good Girl Artists

Monday, July 6, 2009
Character Spotlight: Tigra

Somewhere along the line, she got mired in yet another storyline involving her "cat" side taking over. Check out her Wikipedia entry if you don't believe me. I loved everything that John Byrne did with WCA, except his treatment of Tigra. Her appearance grew more and more cat-like, as did her behavior. She was

Hank Pym shrinks her to the size of a house cat and then lets her run around the compound killing small animals to eat! Not attractive, honey. The final insult was when Hank finally catches her, he places her inside his lab and then leaves! To deal with "more pressing Avengers' business"!
I was sad when she finally left to hang out with the Aborigines in Australia, but at least then she was left alone.

Her appearances since then have been sporadic. She had a lackluster mini-series by Christina Z and Mike Deodato. Tigra was also a part of the Avengers: Initiative, now the Avengers Resistance. Recently, I have noticed that Tigra has been receiving some attention in the Marvel Adventures imprint. She's been on covers for both Marvel Adventures Super-Heroes

Upcoming Books: The Torch #1 (of 8)

For this new mini-series, the Torch is buried (again) and the Mad Thinker is involved (again). Mike Carey (X-Men Legacy) is writing with assists from Alex

So what do you think, retread of old material? A comeback for the first Marvel super-hero? Another example of Alex Ross living in the past? Let me know what you think and I'll let you know what I decide.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Cry for Justice

Monday, June 22, 2009
Challenge of the Super-Friends
"Not so fast, Robin! Use your Bat-lube!" They both then push a button on their utility belts and an oil-like substance somes out causing Grundy to lose his grip.

Friday, June 12, 2009
Dropping A Book

Monday, June 1, 2009
A Confession

While doing so internet research, I stumbled upon the two images to the right. These are covers for upcoming an upcoming "Ms. Marvel" storline titled, "War of the Marvels." Once I saw these, I knew that I had a decision. I could continue not getting MsM and just pick these up when they came or I could go pick up the back issues I missed by dropping the book. Being the completist that I am, I decided to pick up the back issues. This way I won't have a 4-5 issue gap

Well, I just felt that I needed to come clean about reading Ms. Marvel again. So there you have...I'm a Ms. Marvel addict.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A Handpicked Artist: Alan Davis

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sad News... : ( Captain Britain & MI 13 Canceled
Friday, May 15, 2009
Check This Out update
Monday, May 11, 2009
Check This Out

So in my continued quest to check out different things within the genre of "comic books", I'm going to pick up the trade above. As I with Sherlock Holmes, this isn't my usual fare. I have heard great buzz about it and I'm intrigued. If you're not into super-heroes, but want to try comics...this might be a good trade paperback to try. I'll let you all know what I think about it after I finish it!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
#1s You Should Be Checking Out

2. Power Girl #1 - I love PeeGee. I flirted with her in Justice League Europe/International, but it wasn't until she joined the JSA that I committed to loving her totally. And since I'm gay, it has nothing to do with her boobies...well, maybe. Anyway, I've been waiting for a Power Girl's much deserved solo ongoing series for years. This number #1 was ok. I'm going to give it a couple of issues to decide. I lover Amanda Conner's artwork and I like Gray & Palmiotti's work on PeeGee's mini. My hopes are high, but this issue was not as good as I had hoped it would be. Also I struggled on which cover to get. Amanda Conner & Adam Hughes are both amazing artists. Look at the pics below and feel my pain. P. S. I finally picked the Adam Hughes (the first) cover. DC Comics
3. Sherlock Holmes #1 - This is not my usual type of book. And that's why I chose it. Every once in a while, I feel that need for some fresh air in my comics. This usually leads me to check out a publisher, character, or genre I don't usually read. This time it lead me to Dynamite Entertainment's Sherlock Holmes. The Cassaday cover is gorgeous. (see below) I was not disappointed by what was inside either. The beginnings of a mystery that I'm excited to see solved. So far I really like the character of Watson. He almost seems the main character moreso that Holmes. Either way, it works. FYI Dynamite Entertainment is also putting out "The Complete Dracula" later this year. I'm going to be checking that out too. I recommend this book, especially for people who aren't into super-heroes. Dynamite Entertainment
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
1. It was good. I just want to get that out there. No matter what I say in the rest of this post, I started with "It was good." Very eloquent if I do say so myself!
2. As far as my knowledge of Wolverine's history & "origin" go, the movie stayed pretty true to what has been written in comics. Except, is Sabretooth Wolverine's brother in comics? I know that they've teased a lot of different things, but I don't read Wolverine's solo book. That may have been revealed somewhere over the years and I missed it. I don't know.
3. Wolverine was happy with Silverfox for waaaaaaaaaay too long. Maybe it was the fact that I knew she was going to "die" that made that part of the movie drag for me.
4. Special They were ok. I just didn't have a moment watching this movie that I went "That was cool!" Wanted had better effects.
5. Deadpool. I just...did he?...I don't...ugh. Deadpool's mouth was stitched shut. The MERC WITH A MOUTH's mouth was stitched shut and he had OPTIC BLASTS!!! 'nuff said.
Please don't forget that I said the movie was good. I actually wouldn't mind seeing it again, just to see some things I missed.
My friends seem surprised that I'm not more pumped about the movie. I guess it has something to do with the fact that Wolverine is not one of my favorite super-heroes. He's ok.
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009
Handpicked Comics for 4/15/09

As far as storyline, I'm loving Madrox, Layla, and Ruby in the future. I can't wait to see what happens there. Longshot's subplot moved along some and my favorite part of those sequences was the way that Peter David and the artists portrayed Longshot's power. I hope that he delves into Longshot's powers and how they work. That would be interesting.
Overall, this is the beginning of a future timeline storyline and I love those. I'm in!
#2 Uncanny X-Men #508 Despite what most people have to say about this book, I'm really enjoying it. I think that Fraction has a good handle on most of the characters. I also applaud him for using a wide-range of characters from Domino to Nightcrawler. They might not all technically be X-Men, but it makes sense that they would be in the periphery.
So, the Sisterhood...Spiral, Chimera, Deathstrike, Madelyne, & 2 Lady Masterminds. I like it. I'm going to be doing a little research into some of the members of this group, because I'm not familiar with all of them. If I come up with something interesting, I'll post it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Lost Thursdays Miles. Yeah, you know Miles. He's that guy that just showed up last season who can "talk" to dead people. This episode gave us his backstory. What is that? You weren't chomping at the bit to find everything about him? You didn't want another character study, but you actually wanted to move the story forward.
Sorry, then this episode was not for you. I totally missed the connection between Miles and his dad. I watched this with my friend, Rachel, and she was able to predict this connect. (Of course!)
The highlight of this episode was the reveal of what Hurley was writing. Hilarious! Overall, I was underwhelmed. I'm looking forward to the upcoming 100th epidsode.
So, do you agree with me or not? Let me know.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The good news is that I will be able to post "Lost Thursdays" as usual. I'm staying at a friends house that actually has cable, so I don't need to wait until it gets put online on Thursday. If you're lucky, you might even see a "Lost Thurdays" post on Wednesday. Let's just chalk it up to time travel, shall we?
Hey don't forget to vote on the poll!
My Comics Picks for 4/15/09

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Lost Thurdays
Ahh...the monster. I love the monster. I'll admit that the monster was cooler and scarier when it was first introduced, but I still love it. I don't even think that I want an explanation for it. It just is.
Ben wants judged by the monster. C'mon, how many of you believed that when he said that. Iknow I didn't. I figured he was up to something else and I greatly enjoyed Locke goading him into actually doing it. However, it seems that Ben actually did want to be judged by the monster. Hmmm...
The actual sequence during which Ben was judged was kind of cheesy. That's the sort of thing that you can pull of in a comic book, but doesn't translate so well to TV. I think that following Locke is Ben's punishment and it is a just one.
During the flashbacks, we got some gaps filled in. Danielle loses her baby to Ben. This is not a scene that I needed to see play out. I inferred what had happened already. I did get very tense when Ben went to kill Penelope.
I don't know what it is, but I love Desmond & Penelope. They got their happy ending and they deserve it after all they went through. I just want the island and everyone else to leave them alone. I'm glad that Desmond and Penelope made it out unscathed, but it makes me nervous that there's still another season after this one. You know something has got to happen to them.
Great episode. I just wish I knew what was going on with the new castaways. I think that I've at capacity with this show for the number of characters that I can care about and keep straight though. And what about the other people who were left behind. Bernard and...Rose? Am I right about that? Do you think we'll ever see any of them again?
Handpicked Comic for 4/8/09

Monday, April 6, 2009
My Comic Picks for 4/8/09

DC Comics
Gail Simone & Carlos Rodriguez (No, Nicola this issue? Aargh!!)

Marvel Comics
Paul Cornell & Leonard Kirk
2 comics!! That's it! This is what happens when you try to switch over to reading the trades instead. I would love to pick up Green Lantern, but gotta wait for trade. Also, I'm waiting until trade for the whole Superman: World of Krypton thing. This light week will probably mean that I'll check out War of Kings Ascension #1. I was going to skip it, but I've been loving War of Kings. I'll probably also pick up a few trade that I've been wanting to catch up on like Spider-Man: Brand New Day or New Mutants Classic.
Well, check back here Wednesday to see what this week's Handpicked Comic will be!!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Wonder Woman 101
1. Wonder Woman has again taken on her secret identity of Diana Prince.

2. The Amazons had been scattered across the globe amnesiatic. This left Hippolyta, Diana's mother, alone of Themyscira (Paradise Island). The Amazons have since returned and it appears their memories are now intact.

3. Diana has been courting Tom Tresser aka Nemesis. So, Diana has a boyfriend who has been made an official Amazon by Hippolyta.
4. Wonder Woman as Diana Prince works for the Department of Metahuman Affairs. Nemesis, her partner, until recently didn't know Diana Prince was Wonder Woman. Etta Candy-Trevor also work at the DMA. Steven Trevor has recently become the head of this department.

Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Issues That Made Me Drop X-Men #2

Rogue, Iceman, Iceman,
+ Maggot, Joseph